Dynamic cross-flow filtration (rotating membranes)
Europe, Middle East and Africa North and South America Asia Pacific
Buss-SMS-Canzler GmbH - www.canzler-pt.de - Niederlassung Düren, Am Langen Graben 7, 52353 Düren, Germany
Tel. +49 (2421) 705-1, Fax +49(2421) 705-80
Canzler bietet zwei Varianten der Dynamische Cross Flow Filtration:
RotoStream®: Die Membranscheiben sind auf zwei oder mehr rotierende Hohlwellen montiert. Das Permeat durchdringt die Membranen und wird im Inneren der Wellen gesammelt und abgeführt.
Die Rotation erzeugt hohe Relativgeschwindigkeiten zwischen dem zu filtrierendem Medium und der Membran. Durch die besonders hohen Turbulenzen in den Überlappungszonen wird die Deckschichtbildung auf der Membran unterdrückt.
und RVF:Membranscheiben liegen auf beiden Seiten einer porösen Stützscheibe, durch welche das Permeat abgeführt wird.
Zwischen den Scheiben rotieren Propeller. Sie erzeugen hohe Turbulenzen in dem zu filtrierendem Medium und unterdrücken eine Deckschichtbildung auf der Membran.
company profile:
novoflow GmbH Umwelt und Filtertechnik - www.novoflow.com - Gewerbering 5, 86698 Oberndorf/Lech, Germany
Tel. +49 9090 701150, Fax +49 9090 70 11 48
The Pump-Nozzle-Filtersystem is the step ahead in cross flow filtration. Due to the uniquely optimized flow management, extremely high cross flow velocity and significantly enhanced flux rates are achieved.
An uncompromised modular design allows custom-made optimization of filtration area and flux rates to almost any application and production requirement.
As a result, both, mobile filter systems and large scale production systems with up to 200 sqare meters of filtration surface can easily realized with the same components.
company profile:
Metso Paper, Inc. - www.metsopaper.com - Corporate Head Office, PO Box 587, 40101 Jyvaskyla, Finland
Tel. +358 20 482 150, Fax +358 20 482 151
OptiFilter CR ultrafiltration combined with nanofiltration and reverse osmosis is successfully used for all types of mills for reducing water consumption. Our experience from the pulp and paper industry has shown CR-ultrafiltration to be very suitable for white water filtration and for recovery of coating color.
The OptiFilter CR (Cross Rotational plate and frame module) is an advanced device based on fine physical separation on a high molecular level. Protected OptiFilter CR's Cross Rotational technique makes it superior for treating water fractions in the pulp and paper industry.
company profile:
Metso Paper is the leading supplier of processes, equipment and services for the pulp and paper industry. The customers include pulp, paper, board and tissue producers worldwide. The company develops and delivers complete production lines, rebuilds and modernizations, as well as know-how, and expert and maintenance services.
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